Play Therapy.

It is well understood through the decades of research that children learn, process, experience, communicate and grow through play.

Children express themselves more fully and more directly through self-initiated, spontaneous play; than they do verbally; because they are more comfortable with play. Play therapy allows children to play out their experiences and feelings is the most dynamic and self-healing way. Play is the medium of exchange and restricting children to verbal expression automatically places a barrier to the therapeutic relationship.

Child-Centered Play Therapy sessions are non directive, relationship focused and child lead in nature. It is considered a medium to long term therapy intervention.

Play Therapy is an evidenced based, trauma informed method of counselling for children aged 2-12 years old. Play Therapy supports children to work through a wide range of childhood emotional, behavioural, developmental, social or psychological concerns. Whilst building on a child’s inner strength, confidence and resilience.

What To Expect

An initial parent session is completed prior to the commencement of play therapy. This determines whether Child Centered Play Therapy is an appropriate therapeutic approach for your child.

Child sessions are 30 - 45 minutes in duration dependent on the child. It is recommended that sessions occur weekly to begin with and then can progress to fortnightly. Your child is invited into the playroom. They are also invited to play with the toys in most of ways as he/she wishes. Feedback to parents is provided via email or phone consultation as agreed upon.

When/ if deemed appropriate Play Therapy may move towards an integrative approach which incorporates other play based therapeutic approaches such as sandtray, creative art, movement and cognitive behavioural therapy interventions.

Play Therapy is a collaborative approach with parents/ caregivers working together to support children through their journey.

What Does It Look Like

As sessions are non directive, therefore allowing children to freely express themselves using the toys in the playroom. These toys are chosen specifically to allow a child to explore a range of emotions and life situations. These tools help them “play out” their reactions to events or situations that may be a current barrier.

Close attention is given to a child’s toy selection, themes, narrative and manner in which they play.

Play Therapy is a remarkable and powerful therapeutic intervention for children. It is a privilege to be apart of the child’s inner world and their journey.

Reach Out

Looking for more information regarding Play Therapy?

Call 0421725568 or reach out online: